Friday, 17 May 2013

Celebrating the small things :)

Hi all,
So, I literally just signed up to this new blog hop called celebrating the small things.
It is nearly the end of Friday as I write this, so I am really just snagging this on to the end of the day here.
But it was such a good idea that I just couldn't resist having a go.

So my little things to celebrate this week are as follows.

  • Good friends. It can be so hard to find true friends these days and I am so blessed in that I have one friend who is truly the most amazing friend ever. They have supported me through so much, are there everyday listening to my every worry, thought, desire and need. They make me feel like I matter, that I am important and we all need that in our lives sometimes. So yay, to all the awesome friends out there, especially mine :)
  • My son. I am so blessed to have such an amazing son. Who surprises me on a daily basis. Having last week watched him struggling just for breath, with never a single complaint, something most adults couldn't do, me included, has just reminded me all over again how amazing he is. He is just so upbeat and positive. Loving and kind. I don't know how I managed to raise such an amazing little boy but I am so proud of him and so grateful to have him in my life. He is and always will be something to celebrate.
  • My pets. Who frequently make me smile, sometimes make me frown, but are always there for me. With there unique and wonderful personalities.
  • The sneaky chocolate bar, that gave me a brief break from this otherwise tedious and boring diet I am on. Lol
  • My big fluffy dressing gown that made me feel all snug and warm today, when nipple freeze threatened. Gotta hate that nipple freeze.
  • The blog post I read, that said just what I needed to hear, right when I needed to hear it, and of course also the person that wrote it.
  • And last but not least my new faviourt TV show that kept me entertained.

Ok so some of these weren't small things but this is my first time at this so they just had to be said :)
love and hugs all
Joss xx

if you would like to celebrate the small things too. Then you can sign up here and also take a look at what others are celebrating this week :) 


  1. Those are some wonderful celebrations. You sound like you're very blessed. Hope your son doesn't have anything too serious.

    What is that new TV show? :) Glad you joined the blog hop!

    Thanks for offering to read my short book of flash fiction and poetry. I would love for you to read it and to get your input, especially since you are a believer. I'd like to read through it one or two more times and then send it to you. It's short, about 46 pages, so it won't take too long.

    If there's an email you'd like me to send it, please let me know at Writer’s Mark

    1. Hi Nsncy, thank you for stopping by my blog. Kye suffers from asthma so since he was a little baby he has suffered with very serious asthma attacks. In the last few years we have gotten a much better hold on them. So are normally able to keep him from needing to go to the hospital. However, last week it was getting to the point that we were packing bags just encase. Thankfully the medication managed to bring it down, before we were actually heading for the door.

      The program I am really into at the moment is called switched at birth. I've been watching it on Netflix. It's a drama about a two families who's daughters were switched at birth. Both the girls are I believe 16 when they discover they were switched and one of the girls is deaf. It kind of explores all the emotions of that, and how the girls strive to deal with the fact that they should have been someone else all together, a completely different life.

      I am really looking forward to reading through your work. You can email me at I'll also pop you and email to your account to make it a bit easier for you :) It might not be today as I have to run and get sorted for family that are coming up today, but I'll get an email to you asap. :)

      again thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it :)

  2. Hi Joss.
    Nice to meet you via the bloghop.
    What a great list of things to be thankful for!
    I especially liked the self-pampering bit... the fluffy gown and "forbidden" chocolate bar... LOL
    Pets are super-loyal... and where would we be without the love of our kids and the support of good friends?

    Writer In Transit

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed my post and thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment :)

  3. Thank you for joining in the bloghop and what a lovely list of celebrations. From big (friends, family including pets) to chocolate bars! Lovely!

    1. Awww and thank you for hosting it. :)

  4. Snuggly dressing gowns are great. I could live in mine!

    1. I practically do live in mine :) Am even wearing it now lol

  5. glad you joined and found so much to celebrate! thanks for visiting me too! how nice to meet you!

    1. Awww thank you, it's nice to meet you too :)

  6. Lovely post! Gotta love those sneaky chocolate snacks!

    Stopping by from the hop...

    Brandy's Bustlings

    1. absolutely :) and thank's for stopping by

  7. Welcome to the blogfest! Cheers on everything you're celebrating today! :)

    1. thank you, and thank's for stopping by :)

  8. I just joined the blog hop this week, at the end of the day too. congrats on good friends and family - and sneaky chocolate!


    1. thank you, it's great to meet you Rhonda :)

  9. Yay for chocolate! I just had my daily fix. This week's bar is dark w/ black sea salt and caramel. Yummy.

    1. wow sounds scrummy. I'm gonna have to add that to my chocolate wish list now :)
