Wednesday, 16 October 2013

What's up Wednesday

What's up Wednesday is run by the lovely Jaime Morrow and her sister Erin L.Funk. You can check out their blogs by clicking their names. It's a really simple blog fest. Each week we answer the questions below and you get to learn a little about what we are up to. So, lets get started. 
1.) what I'm reading. 

I am currently reading The Raven Boys, by Maggie Stiefvater. I'm about half way through it now and really enjoying it, although it did take me a little while to really get into this one. I seemed to stumble a lot over the words, in the beginning, and had to keep going back to re-read parts of it; which is unusual for me with Maggie's books.

Before this, I read The Scorpio Races, also by Maggie Stiefvater, and I absolutely loved that. From the first page to the last, I was hooked. 

2) What I'm writing. 

Currently, I am still editing Memory Book and working on my new WIP, which finally has a name, Finding Kelsey and a possible cover, too. 

I'll probably come up with a few covers, before I make an actual guaranteed choice, but here is the first one I have come up with. I would love to know what you think. The art work for this cover is all mine I drew it, then photo edited it, before transforming it into an actual cover. 

I love playing around with cover ideas to go along with what I write. If anyone wants a cover at any time, I'd be happy to have a play around, if I have time. I won't charge for covers, as this is something I really just do for fun, So, if you ever want me to have a play on your behalf, if I have the time, I'd be more than happy to. :)

3) What's inspiring me right now.

Other people's kindness always inspires me. There was a time, when I struggled to see any kindness in the world and now I am seeing it everywhere. I have always been the kind of person who feared others judgement and am slowly starting to realise that those that do make unfair judgements are normally unhappy in their own life and it causes them to ridicule and belittle others. You have to forgive these people for their hurtful words and their pain and move on; while, at the same time, being grateful for all the good people out there, and there are a lot of good people, if you open your eyes enough to see them. 

4) What else I've been up to. 

Spending lots of time with my lovely little family; something I really needed, after what has been a fairly rough time of late. Also, clearing excess junk out of my life, in order than I can move forward; something I have been struggling to do for quite a few years now, due to old ties, holding me back. 

I've had a difficult relationship with some of my closest blood relatives, my mother especially. We had been trying to fix the damage with therapy, but it all became too difficult, when my mother admitted that she had known her partner was abusing me and done nothing. It was something I had always suspected, but actually hearing it aloud was incredibly difficult; especially as she had gone out of her way, all my life, to accuse me of being a liar about the abuse, despite some of the very serious injuries I received because of it. 

The stupid part is I understand now why she went out of her way to make me look like a liar. It was a desperate attempt to protect herself, because of her lack of action. What I struggle to understand is how a mother could sit back and do nothing, knowing that her child was being beaten on a regular basis; especially given that my own mother was abused as a child herself. I could never do that to my own child, but then I suppose everyone is different. 

At any rate, this week, I finally put a pin in that part of my life and broke away from my mother completely; something I probably should have done a long time ago, but I guess I clung to the hope that one day things would change; she would change. 

I am very lucky though, as I have found and built a beautiful family of my own with my wonderful husband and beautiful little boy. Not to mention a lot of great friends, who I think of very much as my family, and a whole host of wonderful furry friends, too. 

I thought it would hurt a lot to finally say goodbye to my blood relatives, but I actually feel lighter, somehow. 

The only time I find it hard is when I see people talking about the importance of mums and how they should be respected and loved. I wonder, if they'd had my mother, would they feel the same?
People reassure me that I have done the right thing, but I am sure, for a while, there will be doubts. Hopefully, with time though, this will change; because, deep down, I know I did what I needed to do. The only mistake I think I made was leaving it so long before taking this step. 
Onward and upwards, as they say. 

As a final note, I need to give a big thank you to my awesome husband, who brought me a lovely box of Milk Tray yesterday. I am not sure what I did to deserve it, but I really appreciated it and will be enjoying them immensely, over the next few days. 

Well, that's me. What have you been up to this week? 

Love and hugs, Joss xx 


  1. I just reread The Raven Boys, and then read The Dream Thieves, and I am still feeling it. Such an incredible thing.

    Good luck with your editing and drafting!

    1. I just finished The Ravens boys this morning and I was completely hooked by the end. Can't wait to read The Dream Thieves and it's so hard not to go straight onto it as I do have it on my shelf in the hall, but I just got The Dangerous Depths ARC, which I cannot leave alone. I must read it, because I have been waiting so long for this one to come out. Then I have another ARC I promised to read. So, yeah. I got to be good and be patient. But I will definitely be onto it soon.

  2. Sorry to hear about the family struggles. Things are never straight forward, are they? Do whatever makes you feel best :)

    Best of luck with the editing :D

    1. No there not but I guess that's life and as they say, "what doesn't kill you makes your stronger." I hope your having a lovely week, I always look forward to your comments :)

  3. I could go for Milk Tray right about now! Occasionally I'll find some at a World Market or something but it's just not the same.

    Thanks goodness for the kindness of others - and I've found that the writing community is filled with so many kind, goodhearted people. I'm very sorry to hear of the difficult time with your family and I wish you the best after this big decision.

    1. Oh can you not get them where you are. You might have to pop me your address and I'll see if I can send you a nice box. Call it an early Christmas present :)

  4. Having a cover to look at does sometimes inspire the story or your motivation to write it :)

    Many hugs for the family struggles <3 I'm glad to hear you've done what's best for you, even if it was hard. I wish you all the best.

    1. I like to have something there. It doesn't always stay as the final cover but it's not to just have something to put to the book just for the time being. I'm the same with titles too. I have to have something even if it gets changed later. :) Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comment I really appreciate it.

  5. So many people are reading Dream Thieves, this makes me very happy! Love the cover, it's gorgeous. I wish I were a bit more computer literate and had drawing skills greater than the 5th grade level so I could come up with something like that. Kindness inspires me too, reminds me that there is good in a world where the news is focused on all the negative. Snuggle your family some more!

    1. Oh I'll let you in on a secret. Well it's not much of a secret as I actually just did a blog post about it entitled Photo Art, but you don't have to draw well to create fun photo art. The Apps that you can get now for smart phones that allow you to try all kinds of fun effects on photos. Means you can easily create really great pics relatively easily.
      Even what can sometimes be a terrible drawing can look amazing once you've played around with it a bit :) Thank's so much for stopping by and for your lovely message. Have a great day and weekend too :)
