Thursday, 17 December 2020

My week in review.


This week instead of talking about me I wanna talk about my husband. When People are sick, very few people stop to think about the people who are caring for them.
For me that is Dan, my husband, one of the most amazing men on the planet. 
I honestly don't know how I got so lucky to have a guy like him, he is kind, caring, works his arse off to make sure me and Kye have everything we need and a few things we don't really need but really wanted. 
He's out everyday, rain or shine, working out in the cold, doing a very physically demanding job and has been for a good 16 years or so. 
And it's taken his toll, his knees are bad, his back gives him jip, but he just keeps on keeping on. And has to be practically dying to miss a day. 
He does so many nice things for me and I wish there was something really special that I could do for him in return. Sadly I don't have the means. Because I know one of his biggest worries at the moment, besides me. Is being able to afford a new 4x4, as ours just keep having more and more problems. 
But this is what gets me. Even thought money is already extremely tight, and he knows in order to get our car through it's next MOT he is going to have to do shit loads of work. 
He didn't even hesitate when he saw and electric wheelchair for sale, that was cheap, I mean not cheap like a tenner, but cheap for the kind of wheelchair that it is. 
And he was like message them and arrange for me to go see it. 
And why? So I can go into my infusions without having to have a nurse push my chair, and having  to have a nurse bring me out. So that I can take my time to get my stuff together after they take my canula out and make my own way out. And so that when we go out round shops I don't have to feel guilty, because Dan has to push me. 
What did I do to get a guy like this. 
And I have wondered, if there were companies that might help me get him a new 4x4, but I don't think even with our story this year that there are. I mean Crohn's isn't one of those disease that gets all the kudos like cancer.
Most people don't even know what it is or what it entails to stay well. 
I just wish there was a magic want I could wave and make something nice happen for him for a change. the way he so often does for me. 
But life doesn't work like that does it. 
So instead all I can do is sing his praises everyday and hope for a miracle. A nice lottery win or something good that can help take just a little of the stress off of him. 
Why does life have to be so tough. 
And of course there are an awful lot of people struggling this year, not just financially but mentally too. Thanks to this bloody covid. 
So know this is a safe place where you can talk if you need to. I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I can listen, try to offer a few words or comfort. Cause we all need that in life, a bit of compassion. 
So feel free to email me, or leave a comment. 
My email is 
And I am here if you need me. 

love and hugs 
Joss xxx

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