Sunday, 11 December 2011

To help or not to help, that is the question

Picture the scene, you’re out and about, getting your daily bits and pieces done and you turn a corner to be met by disaster, for this example will say there has been a car accident, perhaps a lady has skidded on some ice and smashed into a tree. There is smoke coming from the bonnet of the car and you’re afraid it will catch on fire, your first thought is to get anyone inside the car out, and chances are you are going to act on instinct, rushing to their aid without stopping to think of the consequences. As flames begin to show around the rim of the bonnet, you find an unconscious driver; do you leave them there and call for help or get them free as carefully, but quickly as you can?
We all know there are risks to moving a victim in a car accident, that there could be damage we can’t see or successfully diagnose, but if the car is on fire for most of us, it would be a case of weighing up the odds, is it better for this person to burn to death, or to take the risks involved with moving them from the vehicle.
Now, for me personally, I would be grateful that someone had dragged me from the car, even if it meant I was left paralysed, better that then dead, right? Wrong, because people are now suing others for attempting to do, just that.
We’ve all, I’m sure, heard the stories of accident victims suing the very people who saved their lives, but is this right? Were I in an accident such as this, I would hope someone would take the time to help me, if I was unable to help myself. When given a choice between maybe being paralysed, or burning alive, I’m certain I’d want to take the risk, because the reality is, there is a chance I’d be fine, but what worries me is these people, who are suing others for that very reason, might be putting my potential rescuer off, or perhaps, the Man or woman who could save my husband or child.
To sue someone, who rightly or wrongly was just trying to help, just seems ridiculous to me, after all they haven’t acted out of malice, but out of concern, not only that but in some cases they have put themselves at risk in the process.
The only reason I can see for another person deciding to take such actions is one based on monetary gain and really, is money all that important? So here’s a question to ponder, should you find yourself the victim or the rescuer what would you do, or want your rescuer to do for you? And how do you feel about those who are suing other’s, who are simply doing their best to help?
Love and Hugs
Jossie Marie xx

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