Sunday, 11 December 2011

Tormented to death. Isn't it time parent's stood up and took responsibility for their children?

I read in The Sun newspaper the other day that a poor man with learning disabilities had been tormented to death by youths, who had been attacking him and his home for 30 years, spanning three generations. Despite both the man and his family going to the police and the council over and over, nothing was done to stop their torment.
It is horrifying to think, that no one stepped in, and tried to deal with the issue, but I can’t help wondering what the parents of these youths were thinking.
If three generations of their family have been doing this, they surely knew about their children’s actions, why did they not step up and stop the abuse and teach their children a lesson or two about respect?
There used to be a time when parents taught their children, respect, compassion, and kindness. Now it seems as if parents are just shoving their children out onto the street without checking where they are going or what they are doing.
Bullying, in particular, is an area people just do not take seriously enough, they state that it is part of life, natural, to be expected. Clearly they never suffered at the hands of a bully. Bullying is not natural, nor should it be expected, and it should absolutely not be a part of life.
Too many people have taken their own lives due to bully’s, to be tormented so bad that you feel the best option is death is not right, no matter how badly the authorities and others try to sugar coat it.
If I ever discovered my son was bullying others I would be mortified, and I would be making sure that it never happened again.
How hard is it to teach your child that they should not do to others what they would not want done to themselves and why aren’t more parents teaching this valuable lesson?
Life is hard enough without people allowing their children to run around creating havoc and causing stress for others, it is hard enough without bullies abusing people, who are just trying to get on with their lives in peace.
There are parent’s today who mock others for teaching their children kindness, patience, and compassion, among other things, but isn’t this exactly what we should be teaching our children. People feelings are as fragile as an egg, and although they attempt to portray themselves with a hard shell, even the toughest will crack under constant pressure. There is enough anger and hurt in the world without us or our children adding to it.
The riots in London, and this poor man’s death at the hands of our youth, should show us how badly the next generation is turning out, and the reality is, the government can’t fix this, nor can the police, it’s the parents, those on the frontline, so to speak, who need to bring about change.
Because if we don’t, how bad are things going to get from here?

love and hugs
Jossie Marie

ps: you can read the full story here

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