Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New year intent

Every year, millions of people make New Year's resolutions. Few actually keep them.
For this reason, I am going to have intents instead of resolutions. 

My intent this new year is to become more productive. That includes more blog posts and more time checking out the posts of others, as well as more writing in general. 

Working from home, it's so easy to be distracted by pointless tasks, like checking Facebook, watching movies, playing games, and the call of a good book, while what should be my priorities get pushed to the side and put off as long as possible.

Of late, getting distracted has been a serious problem for me; so much so, I think my poor bunny is getting a complex, lol.

I seriously need to kick things up a gear this year and get some real work done; something my new iPad Air should make, not only easier, but far more enjoyable, too. 

How did I ever live without one?

(A big thank'ee to the awesome Dan Solheim aka the hubby for fulfilling yet another one of my present dreams.)

It is, in fact, because of Dan that I am determined to try harder this year. Since we have been married, Dan has worked incredibly hard to support us all; allowing me, in the process, to stay at home in the guise of a housewife, so that I could focus on my writing. 

Very few people get as lucky as me in that respect. A lot of writers have to work full time in order to survive then come home and write as not all men are as understanding or as supportive as Dan, not to mention the fact that in some households it just isn't financially viable for only one person to work. 

My dream, you see, and it's a big one, is to earn enough from my writing, so that one day, Dan can retire with confidence.This will definitely not happen if I do not get tough with myself and even then it's no easy task; because, let's face it, very few writers make enough from their writing to support themselves, let alone a family.

It's relatively hard for me to think of my work in a professional context, even now that I am published. Writing was just something I did because I loved it. It was an escape from life, a way to create a happier, better world than the one I lived in as a child. 

Had I been told back then that I would become a published author, I never would have believed it. Neither would I have believed that writing would at times, seem like a chore. 

Where once, I haphazardly slapped down words without care, now I must edit, revise, tweak, trim, and splice my work into a tightly written, perfectly structured, and grammatically correct masterpiece of fiction; something that flows well, captivates others, and doesn't have "and then" haphazardly dotted everywhere, as my childhood writing once did.

( Thank God for Chuck Jolly and his editing skills; without which I would be royally screwed, lol)

So, this year .....

I will be dedicating my time to working hard on my career and taking care of my family, especially Dan, because he deserves a lot more appreciation.

What's your New Year's intention? Leave a comment and let me know.
Love and hugs Joss xx

P.S. If you're aware of any anthologies or blog hops taking place this year, please let me know; either in a comment or via my email at

Happy New Year everyone! XOXOX


  1. Happy New Year and your resolution is a great one. Your hubby is a God sent. I plan to publish my first book and my first series this year.

    1. Wow, a very exciting year for you then, that's great I hope it all goes well with no annoying little glitches :) and yes he is, he is awesome. I'm a very lucky girl lol

  2. Happy New Year! An intent for me? Golly! Well, my wife would like me to start brewing more beer. That's as good an intent as any.

    As for bloghops, well... If you're a reader as well as a writer, I hope you might consider my book club. Next hop is Friday, January 31st. Details are here:

    1. Brewing more beer that sounds Iike an awesome New Years intent and one that has a pretty enjoyable ending too lol hope it goes well :) I have wanted to join a book club for ages but never could find one that suited my schedule so I would definatly be interested to take a look, will prob over and do that shortly :) thank you

  3. Happy New Year and I hope your intentions work out. I too have a very supportive husband and appreciate how lucky I am.

    1. Happy new year to you too Hun and yay to all the lovely hubby's out there.

  4. I love your list. As an aspiring artist, I feel the same way. I want to make enough art so I can do it full time without worrying about the day to day bills.
    Happy new year and I hope you succeed this year.

  5. It would certainly be a dream come true and gratifying too, to know that all your hard work was appreciate by others as well :) happy new year and I hope it is a successful one for you also.
