Monday, 15 September 2014

Creeping back

Yep, that's right, I'm creeping back onto my blog after a very long break. If I had a tail it would be well and truly between my legs in shame for my horrific abandonment of the blogging world. That said, I probably did you all a favour by staying away as the last few months have been spent on a Perscription medicine high. The result a serious lack of consentration and a nasty habit of fulling asleep at random. Thankfully, my back pain is in check once more and I am off the strong medication for the most part. Meaning, I can now blog somewhat more consistently. In theory lol.

The problem; however, is this: having spent so much time away from my blog, I am now struggling to decide, what to blog about.

So I figured I start with a bit of a catch up. 

The Hubby

Well the hubby and I made it to 11 years of marriage, without yet killing each other :) last month. I'm not sure who is the greater achiever in this, but as I brought him his own steam traction engine for our anniversary, I'm gonna say me.

He is; however, still hating his job but at least now he can come home and get covered in soot, which seems to make him smile. He even went to his first show a couple of weeks back, with the little monster in tow and fun was, by all accounts, had by all. Sadly I slept thought that one, compliments of my stronger medication. Sighs!

The little monster

Mischievous as ever and seems to have developed an answer for everything. I swear he's finding his teen side far to soon. Especially given that his eighth birthday, although close now, will not actually hit till the end of the month and last I checked eight was still preteen. Was there a memo that I missed it? 

We contemplated home schooling over the summer holidays and had a bit of a go at it, with mini beast hunts and some arts and crafts among other things, but decided against it in the end. To Kye's disappointment as he really enjoyed it. The result, we are now doing some bits and pieces after school and at weekends to make him happy.


Ludo and Harley are doing well. Still need to build Ludo's confidence with other dogs and Harley naturally still has his bad hips, poor sight and failing hearing but he's an old man and let's face it, old age can be crawl to the best of us. Still he's been attempting to play recently, which given how he shunned any form of play previously, as beneath him, is a great improvement. I did miss his playful side. 


Things aren't so good with Timmy sadly. He was attacked while asleep on my wheelchair in the kitchen, by a neighbours cat who decided to let itself into our home. As a result of that attack he grew more and more distant preferring to be outside than in. Our vet said this is common for cats who suddenly feel there home is unsafe. So for several months now, Timmy has been disappearing for days or weeks and only popping home briefly. We followed the vets advice to spoil him rotten when he was in to tempt him back and this was working well, while he had a more rough and feral appearance to him, but he's last few visits has seen him looking far more well groomed and we suspect someone else is feeding and caring for him. The result the visits are decreasing again. The vet says if he feels safer in the new home there isn't much chance of him returning for time to us. 

I know the people feeding him are probably just trying to be kind, but it really upsets me when people feed cats without contacting or trying to contact there owners first and if we can't track down who is doing it, we may lose our baby to them for good. 

We of course still have our lovely Tizzy but as Timmy is her twin, it is heartbreaking for them not to be together, especially as she spends so much time looking around for him now and I guess wondering why he stays away so long. 

The bunnies

My bunnies are doing really well. Little Miss Fizz is starting to come out of her shell a little now and gains in confidence everyday. 

Dandelion is recovered from the loss of his bunny bits and is doing well, although apparently the urge to try did not exit with his bunny bits. 

Smudge despite being blind in one eye, seems happy and content and they have all just acquired a new, very large and extremely smart bunny home, which will be here tomorrow. So pictures of that to follow in a day or two. 


Well I am doing ok, better than I was at any rate. My pain levels are up and down but manageable. The friend that really let me down is a thing of the past completely now and I've made some great new friends too and am actually and surprisingly, enjoying life more that they are gone. Which I never imagined would be the case. 

I'm still trying to find myself, but I think most of us spend our whole lives doing that anyway and maybe finding myself is not the right word, it's more striving to be the person I want to be and that's the person God say's we should be. Kind, honest, caring, thoughtful, helpful, good, obedient, loyal, well you get the picture. 

I am definitely a work in process, but I think most of us are. We just have to keep trying. 

My writing

Well I am slowly getting back into writing although it is taking some time. I'm struggling to motivate myself and I need to get on top of that.

Current work in progress is Rehabilitation girls. You'll get some samples of it before long I'm sure.

Hope all is well with everyone out there in the blogging world.

love and hugs
Joss xx


  1. Love the pics!
    Glad you're back!

  2. Glad to see you again, Joss! You sure have a full house. Glad you're hopping back on the writing wagon too. :D

  3. Nice to have you back!! Look at all of this very cool and interesting stuff happening in you life?!

  4. Glad to see you back and that you're enjoying life. Hope things keep improving, and that Timmy returns home.

  5. Sorry to hear about Timmy. You should probably put a collar on him if he doesn't have one already. We have a lot of stray cats in our neighborhood as well as owned outdoor cats. You never know which is which.
