Friday, 25 September 2020

Health check

It’s been a rough few days, I have a pretty bad impaction and have been told it may be an intestinal stricture. It feels like my insides are twisting and the pain is awful. 

I’ve been dosing myself up with laxatives hoping to flush it through but so far, have had no luck. 

My energy levels are incredibly low. So much so I will probably need to nap soon. As I write this I am struggling to keep my eyes open.

This is the most tired I have felt since Tuesday and my actual infusion. I’m not sure why, as I work at 5am and that’s only half an hour earlier than normal. 

The weather here is awful, poring rain and pretty cold. I do not envy Dan having to be our in it. 

People have also started panic buying again, I guess they are all worrying that another lockdown is coming.
I think they may be right. 

Well i’m off to snooze.
Love and hugs Joss. Xxx

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