Wednesday, 20 November 2013

What's up Wednesday!

What's up Wednesday is run by the lovely Jaime Morrow and her sister Erin L.Funk. You can check out their blogs by clicking their names. It's a really simple blog fest. Each week we answer the questions below and you get to learn a little about what we are up to.
So let's get started. 

1) What I'm reading. 

I'm currently reading Lament by Steifvater. Nearly finished now and have really enjoyed it. It was a little slow to get into at first but didn't take overly long for me to get hooked and attached to the characters and so I'm really looking forward to getting started on Ballad once I am done. As well as probably picking up Tangled tides again, in preparation for reading my paperback of Dangerous depths once it arrives. Love the sea monster memoirs and am very excited that today is the official release day for Dangerous Depths. 

2) What I am writing. 

Since Monday I have been writing like crazy trying to get my word count up after some serious writers block. My WIP at the moment is finding Kelsey and now I have broke through the block I am really enjoying writing again. 
Especially as I am currently writing a very special boy into the plot my beautiful Rottie Hooch who sadly passed away, age 13 on Monday. RIP baby. 

3) what inspires me right now

My amazing dog Hooch who is sadly no longer with us but who spent his life bringing Joy and happiness to everyone he met and also showing people that it's not about breed, it's about the people who raise them because any dog has the potential to be amazing or the potential to kill and no dog starts out vicious. 

Also the wonderful Karen Amanda Hooper. She is such an amazing author and seeing all the enthusiasm for her amazing books today has really inspired me to keep honing my craft. Yay Karen! and congrats on your awesome release day. 

4) What else I've been up too. 
Well as I said already we sadly lost our wonderful Rottie, Hooch Monday evening. It was such a difficult time for our family as he has been with us so long and be so amazing. We couldn't have asked for a more sweet natured and loving pooch. 
He was 13 which is a very good age for a Rottie and sadly had intestinal problems that due to his age were not fixable. We had hoped that he would be okay as he had started to improve but with in a matter of hours Monday morning he went from relatively normal to finding it very hard to stand and just looking very very poorly. 
We hoped that he would be okay, but sadly the vet felt it would be unfair to try further treatment and that it was kindest to put him to sleep and we felt the same. You could just see that he had, had enough bless him. 

Since then I have been trying to keep busy and do something positive in order to remember him and so I've smiled and cried as I've carefully written him into the plot of Finding Kelsey. Ensuring, I hope that his funny antics will entertain others as much as they have entertained us over the years. 

Today I have also been enjoying celebrating the release of Dangerous depths. CJ and I even got into the true spirit of things by becoming mermaid and in CJ's case merman, on Second Life for the day. I'll leave you with some of the pics that we took in our merfolk forms. 

I hope you are all happy, healthy and well. 
Love and hugs 
Joss xx 


  1. I'm sorry about your lovely dog. But I'm glad you broke through your writing block. Hope this is a much better week :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Hooch. Our pets have always been part of the family, so I can imagine how tough this is for you.

    It's great that the writers block has gone away. Such a great feeling when you break through it finally! I'm happy to hear that you liked LAMENT. I have a copy of it as well, but haven't yet read it. I'll have to do that soon. Have a great week, Joss.

  3. So sorry to hear about your sweet pup. We lost our dog last spring and it was terribly difficult -- you are in my thoughts.

    I've read all of Maggie Stiefvater's books, except for the two you're reading. I'm not sure if their for me, but then, I didn't think THE SCORPIO RACES or THE RAVEN BOYS would be either, and I absolutely loved both of those books.

    And yay for my YA Confidential buddy Karen!
