Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Why I'm here.

I was browsing the internet tonight, looking for the next picture prompt for the Jumpin' Jitters writing cafe on secondlife, when I came across a blog, that had some really great and inspirational ideas on it.
Written by someone who, like me, want's to be a published auther. (Although to be fair it seems as if she has recently achieved that goal.)
I can't even begin to imagine how awesome that must be.
Anywho, that inspired me to start documenting my own attempts to get publised.
Now the first thing you might notice, is that my grammer and spelling, are terrible. I am very lucky in that I have a wonderful editor already, who takes care of all that for me.
(love's ya CJ)
So that asspect at least is covered.
And I nearly have a novel complete, just on the final polish up now.
The book is called Insane Reno and is set on Bodmin moor, I'll tell you more about that later.
Why? Well I have been procrastinating and I still have a picture prompt to find lol.
So love and hugs all, and I'll give you some more indepth info in my next post. xxxx


  1. I am so excited to see your journey at getting published. It will totally happen. I edited my friends book when he was published and wow, all I can say is, excitement.

    You and I share the love of words and I too hope to publish some of my stories. I wish you all the best. keep the dream alive. Hugs

  2. awwww thank you kathy. Well I'm really lucky as I have a great editor.
    couldn't do it without him lol.
    we'll both have to route for each other and when you get published let me know I'd love to buy a copy :)
