Thursday, 9 August 2012

Calling all new Authors

Hi all,
this post is for all new authors or more specifically, anyone who has less than 10 books published, I didn't want to exclude to many people. I have started a new group called New Authors book club on facebook. The idea of the group is for new authors to help each other out, in a new way, let me explain.
Reviews on our books go a long way to helping others decide if a book is something they should read or not, but so many readers don't find the time to review or leave feedback.
As new authors it can be hard at time to get people to give your book a chance, or hard to get it up high enough in the charts that others notice it.
With the help of the book club we might be able to help push each others books up a little on the Amazon chart list.
So here is how it will work, you join the group, then email me at, your name, the name of your book and a link to it on Amazon, (no advertising your book in the group, group is only for discussing the current read) once we have a good selection of books, I will take the top either 10 or 20 and randomly select one every month.
This then becomes the book of the month that we must all do our best to read and leave feedback on Amazon about the book. It may be a short story or a novel and all books must be reasonably priced to be included.
You do not have to be a new author to join the book club or have to submit a book, that is up to you, you can just come along to help others if you wish.
The hope is that through this method not only will you promote your book and get it out there to a wider audience, as well as hopefully get some good reviews, but you will, make some new friends too and if you really enjoy the book of the month you could help to further promote it by blogging, twitting or facebooking about it too.
So if you'd like to join in the fun, follow the link here and come join in the fun.
We have yet to choose a book, so you still have time to submit to be the first read.
love and hugs
Joss xxx

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