Friday, 4 April 2014

A to Z challenge, day 4, Dawn.

So, it's day four of the A to Z challenge and our first Featured Doggy is here. Featured Doggies are those who claim the letter for their name, as opposed to their breed.

So that means D is for Dawn and she is a beautiful Rough Collie.

This ten year old girl came to Hilltop Animal Haven, just a few months ago, due to her owner becoming unwell and feeling unable to give her the love and attention she deserved.

On her arrival, there were a few issues to iron out, including poor dental hygiene, weight, and knots in her coat and paws that were in serious need of some attention.

Sammy, the manager at Hilltop, tried to deal with Dawn's feet, but it was too much for this timid little girl and she literally threw herself to the floor with fright. Not wanting to distress her any further, Sammy decided to wait until, either her confidence had grown, or till after she'd been to the vet's to have her dental work done, before trying again.

Teeth and feet sorted, Hilltop still had some larger concerns to deal with. Dawn's weight was putting a lot of strain on her legs and she was finding it hard to walk very far. She was put on a healthy diet and very quickly improvements in her movement became apparent.

The downside to this extra mobility; however, was that it now became easier for Dawn to avoid the grooming that she was none to keen on. Sammy tells me that grooming Dawn is a step by step process; groom a leg, follow Dawn around the house, groom another leg, follow Dawn around the house, and so on and so forth. Still, I know Sammy, like myself, could do with all the exercise we can get, so Dawn is probably just trying to help Sammy shift a few pounds lol. (Sorry Sammy, I couldn't resist.) 

This sweet little girl really does have a very timid nature. The smallest of noises can give her a fright, such as a spoon dropping into a cup or the click of the stair gate closing, but the staff at Hilltop hope that given time, and with the other dogs to guide her, Dawn's confidence will grow and grow. They've already seen her first bark, tail wags, and even a happy dance or two at the site of her breakfast. So, the future is looking good for Dawn thanks to Hilltop Animal Haven and the incredible work that they do. 

Hilltop Animal Haven is a non-profit organisation that takes primarily older animals that otherwise might be destroyed.

They have a huge host of cats, dogs, sheep, chickens, horses, and other animals that they care and provide a permanent home for.

They are always grateful for donations and support from fellow animal lovers. So, if you would like to help an elderly animal live out its life in happiness, please check out the Hilltop Animal Haven Facebook page and ask what you can do to help.

If you would like to know more about the Rough Collie, please check out the video below:


  1. She is soooo pretty! I'm glad she in a place where she can be well taken care of. :)

  2. Aww, she's a beautiful little lady. <3

  3. She looks like a sweet girl--glad she's getting the care she needs!

  4. Wonderful theme for A-Z. Good luck with the challenge.

    Joss, I hope you might consider joining my bloggers' book club. Details are here:

  5. So happy to hear about places like Hilltop Animal Haven. Dawn is beautiful. <3
